the emblem of the European Union with the relevant reference to the Union and the Structural Fund, the logo of the NSRF and the Operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship & Innovation

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Reparcelling of east Vistriza farm

Reparcelling of east Vistriza farm

Another contract that is in progress by the topographical design team of Consortis, is the reparcelling of the farm of eastern Vistriza.
The focus of the contract is the execution of all the necessary works for the reforestation of the farms included in the area occupied by the irrigation project of Eastern Vistriza.

More specifically the object of the study includes:

  • Topographical tasks to create a background
  • Cadastral Survey
  • Arrangement and separation of new estates
  • Receipt of data - Postings - Examination of objections – Corrections
  • Demarcation – piling of new properties

This is a multifaceted project as it will contribute to the upgrading of the area, to the rural and by extension, economic development of the area. Also, this project ensures the sustainable
development of the wider area (flora-fauna).