the emblem of the European Union with the relevant reference to the Union and the Structural Fund, the logo of the NSRF and the Operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship & Innovation

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Antonis Fekas

Antonis Fekas

Senior GIS Analyst

I'm a graduate of the School of Spatial Planning and Development, of the Faculty of Engineering, of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. I hold a Master's Degree in Spatial Planning and Regional Development.

My decision to chose Engineering as a professional career, was highly influenced by my father who himself was a Surveying Engineer. After the completion of my studies, I teamed up with several companies which specialized in the Cadastre Sector. Through these experiences I managed to upgrade my skills in the process of land registration, Photogrammetry and  land surveying with GNSS technology and unmanned aircraft systems (UAV).

I joined the family of Consortis in 2020. The company gave me the chance to extensively work on the Geospatial and GIS sector.

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