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Provision of Services for the approval of the Regional Framework of Spatial Planning

Παροχή Υπηρεσιών για έγκριση Περιφερειακού Πλαισίου Χωροταξικού Σχεδιασμού της Περιφέρειας Δυτικής Μακεδονίας

Our company, on behalf of the Region of Western Macedonia, signed the contract for support in the approval procedures of the Regional Framework of Spatial Planning for the Region of
Western Macedonia.

In the framework of this convention, the viewpoints of the political authority were recorded of the services of the Region of Western Macedonia, as well as other important agency services
in relation to the desired changes to the Regional Framework of Spatial Planning of the Region of Western Macedonia.

Following the need for consultation, the viewpoints of the agency services were recorded in a report and specific changes in the Draft Ministerial Decision were suggested, both in strategic
directions, as well as in specific spatial interventions, where this is possible in order to strengthen the conditions for the development of the Region, attract investments and promote incentives
and remove any conflicts arising from the relevant proposed provisions.

In the framework of the cooperation with the Region of Western Macedonia, scientific advice and suggestions were formulated, after study and supplementation of existing proposals of the
political authority and other agencies. Moreover, a memorandum was drafted to examine the possibility of promotion institutional arrangements, aiming at the fast and efficient
implementation of the proposals / directions of the spatial planning (e.g. approval procedures, fast planning procedures).


Περιφέρειας Δυτικής Μακεδονίας