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Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans

26 June 2019

The European Strategy is promoting a newly developed planning tool that manages urban transport challenges and problems in an efficient and sustainable way (Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs)).

A SUMP contains the framework for strategic planning of the urban multimodal system in European cities and combines interdisciplinary approach, policy analysis and decision-making coordination to promote sustainable mobility.

Moreover, the promotion of the interconnection of financing in combination with planning and design will make the existence of a SUMP a prerequisite for the involvement of a region’s stakeholders (entities, bodies, actors) in co-funded transport programs in the current programming period 2014-2020.

In this context, Consortis has undertaken the SUMP implementation of Chalkidonos', Lagada's and Serres' municipalities, which are in a draft process and will be completed by the end of the year.
