Rehabilitation of Uncontrolled Waste Disposal Areas, in "Mavrotopos" of the Municipality of Alexandroupolis
Rehabilitation of Uncontrolled Waste Disposal Areas, in "Mavrotopos" of the Municipality of Alexandroupolis
With the current contract, our company has completed the preparation of topographical works for the construction of the Uncontrolled Waste Disposal Area cell, with its accompanying projects, in
order to deposit the extra amount of waste that exist in the inactive Uncontrolled Waste Disposal Area. The new cell is completely sealed according to the requirements of A.E.P.O and the existing law, in order to be included after its restoration in the premises of the Organization Integrated Waste Management Facilities of Alexandroupoli.
Accompanying projects are defined as leachate collection and processing projects. The biogas management projects, the rehabilitation works after its filling.
In the preparation work, our company undertook the following:
- Mapping of natural soil, excavations, embankments and configurations for the construction of the Landfill of Residues
- Monitoring the implementation of the Environmental Impact Study
- Monitoring and consulting support of waterproofing and drip management work
- Monitoring and consulting support of biogas management work
- Monitoring and consulting support of environmental monitoring projects and control of Landfill of Residues and M.E.S