Study of the general water supply plan (Masterplan)
Study of the general water supply plan (Masterplan)
The department of hydraulic studies carried out the study "Study of the General Water Supply Plan (Master plan) and implementation of the water safety plan of D.E.Y.A. Lagadas".
The feasibility of the study arose from the need to implement the measure included in the 1st revision of the River Basin Management Plan of the Water District of Central Macedonia (RBMP). The measure belongs to the category of basic measures and is in line with the requirements of Article 4 of Directive
2000/60/EC. The measure refers to the preparation of General Water Supply Plans where the water resources that will cover the water supply needs in the medium and long term will be identified, the appropriate protection measures will be adopted in a timely manner and the necessary external aqueducts will be designed at a preliminary level. The methodology of the study of the 1st Subproject was based both on applications of management and management methods as well as on scientific knowledge, experience and technical means.
More specifically, the study included the following stages:
- Stage A: Mapping - Analysis - Evaluation of the current situation
- Stage B: Proposals for the Management of the Water Supply System of the Municipality – Forecasts of Future Demand
- Stage C: Proposals and implementation program for projects for the upgrading of the water supply system
- Stage D: Proposal for demand management and costing of the provision of water supply services
- Stage E: Strategic Environmental Impact Study – Finalization of Master plan