Modernization & Installation Expansion Wastewater Treatment (WWTP) of Nigrita – Terpni
Modernization & Installation Expansion Wastewater Treatment (WWTP) of Nigrita – Terpni
This project is a study construction of a Wastewater Treatment Plant, according to which the hydraulic studies team of Consortis prepared the technical tender dossier during the year 2021,
for the economic operator "Thales Environmental Services", with a view to its participation in the electronic open tender.
The object of the project was, on the one hand, the restoration and modification of the mechanical and structural part (modernization) and on the other hand the extensions of individual sections, so that the installation acquires functionality based on the needs of the population served. The aim was the environmental protection and upgrading, as well as the qualitative protection of the general natural and man-made environment of the wider region.
The method of wastewater treatment is that of active mud with prolonged ventilation, with bioselection, dephosphorization, denitrification, aeration - nitrification and precipitation tanks.
Also examined were the entrance - pretreatment works (Eschatosis, entrance A/S, Exhaustion – Liposyllation), a disinfection unit with chlorination - dechlorination devices and a sludge treatment line, which includes a circular storage - fattening tank, a mechanical dehydration complex and a (backup) drying bed. The treated wastewater is channeled through a gravitational disposal pipeline into an adjacent torrent, to end up in the new artificial bed of the Strymon River.
The design of the works was made with the aim of the proper functioning of the entire installation and the delimitation of the required space for the construction, as well as the environmental protection, i.e. the aesthetic enhancement of the site, the harmonization with the wider environment, the minimization of the release of odors, droplets, noise emitted and generally the annihilation of any kind of nuisance in the wider area.